
You could probably thank Fleetwood Mac for the title of this blog. I was bopping along in the car one day, changed the words of ‘You Can Go Your Own Way’ and ta da, ended up with the title of this blog. Partly music inspired and partly inspired by my running and about running how I want to run and not how other people, magazines, forums tell me. If a coach’s advice works for me or I’m enjoying a particular way of running and training, then why not? Running is an individual activity and what works for me might not necessarily work for you. The main thing this blog is about is THE LOVE OF RUNNING. Running slow, running fast, running short, running long. If you run you are a runner, just enjoy it.

I’m not just a runner though, I’m a sports physiotherapist with over 20 years experience, who specialises in running and running injuries. So much so that in 2018 I commenced a PhD investigating digital interventions for running injuries while pregnant with my third child. The process has given me a huge insight and expertise in how running injuries occur and how we can prevent them and providing runners with evidence based solutions to their injuries is something I am very passionate about. No quackery here!  You’d think this background would make me invincible to injury. It doesn’t. I’m just as stubborn and competitive as all you other runners.

I’ve been running since I was eleven. I love track, I love road and I (weirdly) love cross country. I completed my first marathon in Edinburgh in 2012, achieved a good for age time and ran London in 2014. I ran my third ever marathon, Marathon Eryri, in October 2023.

There have been occasional lulls in this blog but I hope with a bit more head space since the PhD finished and more room for running and writing I can document more running adventures here.

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